Health Coaches &

Wellness Entrepreneurs

Health Coaches & Entrepeneurs

struggling to find paying clients???

Build an engaged audience, grow your email list &

finally have that waiting list of qualified paying clients you've dreamt about!

With my step by step

Launch Your Health Coaching Business

The Ultimate Online Challenge Method to Attract Your Ideal Clients & Customers

Build the Coaching Business of Your Dreams in less than 30 Days

NEVER worry again about where your next PAYING client is!

Remember when you were in Coaching School

They said.....

  • Build your email list

  • Go find clients on Facebook

  • Knock on doors and introduce yourself 🤮

  • Go network & do local events 🤮

  • Ask for referrals

Frustration doesn't even begin to tell the story right?

Does this sound like you?


  • You are not making the money (&impact) you thought you would be.

  • You are just starting out in coaching

  • You have had a few clients but nothing is steady

  • You are constantly wondering where your next client is coming from

  • Where do I find paying clients?

  • How do I attract the right clients?

  • Where do I even begin?

  • I am overwhelmed doing it all by myself!

  • I struggle to get on a discovery call with potential clients...

  • I can't seem to find anyone interested in making that next step

  • I'm a new health coach & absolutely struggling to find clients

  • And the nay-sayers (time to prove them wrong!)

There is a simple way to ........

  • Squash the imposter syndrome

  • Grow your email list

  • Find the RIGHT paying clients

  • Build that authority as a coach

  • Build a community of ideal-paying clients

  • Fill your 💰💰💰 account with consistent paying clients

  • Becoming the go-to coach in your industry

  • Know exactly where your next paying client is

Online Challenges!!!!!

The most dynamic way to fill your email list (a must-have because social media can go down at any time!)

😩 And poof all your followers gonzo) build relationships, and be the go-to coach in your niche!

And have a filled book of qualified engaged paying clients!!!


I know I know Challenges are a ton of work when done properly!

But they can be extremely profitable 💵 💵 💵 in many ways!

👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 After talking to tons of coaches and doing very successful challenges myself,

I dove in and did tons and tons of research (took a ka-zillion challenges)

on all kinds of challenges, took the best

of each, created & beta-tested it, and shazam!

Here is what happened

  • The coaches had tons of new leads in just one month

  • Facebook groups came alive

  • Coaching spots filled with paying clients before challenges even started

  • Coaches busted through imposter syndrome

  • My beta group hosted a challenge that converted audience members into buyers

  • Learned how to do email funnels

  • Created Lead magnets to build their email list

  • Created amazing relationships with a growing audience

  • Created challenges they can use over & over again to keep their audience growing continuously, building authority and keeping the 💰💰💰 coming in regularly

Introducing your easy button.....


Created by coaches for coaches!

Grab your Online Challenge System

Save yourself tons of time, money and frustration

Here is what will happen as soon as you hit that button

  • Have access to everything you need for a smooth successful challenge

  • Set the overall objective for your challenge, & your growing business

  • Define your ideal audience, to help choose a niche specific challenge

  • Create an attraction grabbing Challenge custom to YOUR business

  • Create a, step-by-step flow that supports your challenge participants

  • Create & implement your email funnels (Email swipes done for you just copy/tweak/paste)!

  • Identify & implement your Challenge content delivery methods

  • Prepare your content (all the templates you'll need to create, market & launch)

  • Attract qualified coaching prospects

  • Repel the tire kickers that are not your ideal clients

  • Promote your offer, & convert motivated challengers to buyers

PS: You can use this over & over again and have a continuous stream of new clients

And there are Bonuses for you to use with YOUR clients!

If you sign up before

How would it be to go from frustrated in finding paying clients to

Attracting your IDEAL clients, being able to have almost all if not all of your objections out of the way before you have to hop on a "discovery" call

How cool would it be to..

Have a wait list, knowing that your marketing method is set in place CUSTOM to you and your coaching style. Email funnels done, social media posts done, everything set in place for success with client getting Challenges/Bootcamps

Go from feeling judged "hows that little coaching biz going"


Building your coaching or online business organically and attracting YOUR ideal clients month after month and becoming the go-to coach

What if things could be different?

Imagine building your coaching business organically

and attracting

YOUR ideal clients and .....

  • Looking like a pro

  • Your audience gets to know you and your coaching style

  • You build the trust as a coach

  • You build authority as a coach

  • Your audience can see that your coaching is the next obvious step they need to get to their goals

  • Challenges build community for you and your participants

  • Challenges help you build your email list

  • Challenges help you fill your coaching spots, group coaching, courses, and business month after month

  • Challenges can help you overcome objections before sales calls or sales pages

  • You get to practice your coaching skills

  • You become the GO-TO coach in your niche

  • You weed out the non-ideal clients

  • And so much more

"Sarah's 5 Day Challenge System was a game changer for my health coaching business. By the end of the 5 day challenge I had signed up 3 new 1:1 clients to my paid program!!

I highly recommend!!."

Coach Kim W - Health Reset with Kim

If you are struggling to find your ideal paying clients,

fill your online biz or Coaching program....

This is your golden ticket System

If you are a student, new to coaching or a seasoned coach, or just want the easy solution of hosting a stress free epic challenge to change the trajectory of your business, into a money making business and not a money spending hobby .....

This is for you!

If you are a Wellness Coach struggling to find paying clients

The OCS is a self paced course for

Coaches & Entrepreneurs Is for you!!!

Imagine Building an engaged community of
your ideal clients

without having 5k followers, without having

to hop on all the trending "reels" being a dancing fool,

and being on social media 24/7.

Quite frankly none of that has anything to do with finding paying clients

People want to KLT you - Know-Like-Trust

No better way than spending at least 5 days with you....

This program was a game changer, both personally and professionally, quite simply, it's the best investment I have ever made Coach Joann D

I made my first real revenue as a coach today and couldn't be more excited! Also a huge Thank you to our fearless leader Sarah

Coach Misha E

All of my posts are scheduled whoop whoop 2nd person has paid for my 28 day challenge and 3 more have committed - Again thanks so much Sarah this is exactly what I needed!

Coach Charene

Online Challenge System!

Create & run a profitable custom niche specific

Client Getting Challenge!!

(no cookie cutter here, this is your time to shine)

Build your email list, filling your group or FB group, loading up your Coaching Business with qualified paying clients, with the simple step by step Online Challenge Solution

Why should you as a coach & entrepreneur be hosting online challenges?

As a GO-TO coach you need to ...

  • Build your email list

  • Grow your following

  • Find paying clients

  • Create reoccurring income

  • Build authority

  • Build trust

  • Squash imposter syndrome

  • Builds a tight community

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

  • 9 Action packed modules of everything you will need

  • Video tutorials

  • Prepping for success (Challenges & business)

  • Challenge System Strategy

  • Nailing your niche (to repel the tire kickers)

  • Challenge Outline for a profitable "free" challenge

  • Social media tutorials, prompts & templates (tons)

  • Challenge workbooks for your challengers

  • Email Swipes pre - during - & after the challenge

Bonuses Galore

  • Facebook "live" prep workbook

  • Email Subject line swipes

  • Canva basics guide

  • Self contract worksheet template (use with your clients)

  • Mind-map & brainstorming Templates (use with your clients)

  • Wheel of Life template (use with your clients)

  • Creating Core Value & Clarity templates (use with your clients)

  • Social media 90 Day visibility Workbook

  • 30 Day Social Media Content Planner

  • Organize your content planning day workbook



Step by step process

Take all the guess work out. Step by step lessons, video tutorials, everything from your lead magnet to your paid offer. Use again & again, same or different challenges to build your coaching biz w/ paying clients

Value: $597


Email swipes

Email templates copy-paste-tweak to customize to YOUR challenge. Email funnels to copy and paste into your own email provider - Pre-during-after emails to keep your audience engaged and excited to buy

Value: $197


Social Media Templates

Canva social media templates for before during and after your challenge - Social media prompts so you know what to post and when to make your life easier and save you tons of time figuring out what to post

Value: $197



Challenge Workbook template

This workbook allows you to follow along and mark off your very detailed checklist as you go along to keep the flow simple and strategic allowing your audience to get to know the real coach in you

Value: $97


Challenge process set up

Daily posts and prompts for your entire challenge, "live" outline scripts, how to keep the momentum going in your group to create enthusiastic buyers

Value: $397


Landing page layout & tutorials

Landing page layout templates and tutorials to capture your leads, and continue nurturing your soon to be clients - No website no worries you can do it in canva

Value: $197



Customizable Lead Magnet

Customizable lead magnet templates 4 different to choose from - edit right in canva (yes I am obsessed with canva) You can use these over and over again, not just for the challenges - completely brand to you

Yep more video how to tutorials

Value: $197


How to choose a converting

challenge topic

How to create a converting challenge topic that will attract and repel your perfect clients - Remember you want your ideal clients not those that are just tire kicking that you will have to drag along

Value: $197

& so much more


Productivity & Mindset

Setting yourself up for continued success is so important. As coaches we work with clients mindset but what about the business mindset for you? Deciding the right kind of challenge to convert your audience into buyers

Value: $197

Just wanted to send a big thank you for making this program available!
I have purchased a few other types of course
content for coaches and this was well laid out and you provided many "how to" and "tutorial" videos as well, and those don't always come with the package! Things like this can make our jobs as coaches easier so we can spend less time coming up with content and more time doing what we are best at - coaching!

Coach Hilary H

A total value of: $2273+

Enroll now for just $497

Signed a brand new 90 Day client right out of the gate with announcements, posts & pics in the pre Challenge week B4 her challenge started

— Coach Laura

"I made my first real revenue as a coach today and couldn't be more excited - A huge thank you to our fearless leader Sarah!

— Coach Misha E

This program is a game changer, both personally and professionally. Quite simply, it's the best investment I have ever made -

Coach Joann D

As long as you keep wondering, as long as you keep trying the same thing over and over again.

Staying on the hamster wheel thinking tomorrow is the day it will happen..

Your coaching business will never grow you will be in the same spot 6, 9, 12 months from now

Still struggling to leave the 9-5, have extra money for that dream trip, or putting kids through college, never having friends & family time...

Facebook "Lives" Like a Pro

Client Onboarding Packet

Use with your new clients

Bonus Email Swipes Subject Lines

(50 clickable subject lines)

Creating Core Value & Clarity

(use with your clients)

Organize the Ultimate Content Planning Day

Guide & Workbook

90 Day Visibility

Game Plan & Workbook

30 Day Social Media

Content Planner

14 Days Social Media

Ideas & Workbook

Instagram - TikTok & Pinterest

Planner Sheets

Wheel of Life

(use with your clients)

Mind Map & Brain Storming

(use with your clients)

Canva Basics Guide

If you answer yes to any of these questions hit the button below

  • Are you struggling finding paying clients month after month?

  • Have you been struggling to get your business off the ground, build your social media?

  • Is your business not where you thought it would be, Struggling with limiting beliefs?

  • Are you thinking " getting clients is hard" and it will never happen?

  • Are tired of figuring out all the moving pieces of the huge puzzle of building your coaching biz?

  • Wrestling with impostor syndrome?

  • Have you been trying to figure out how to get your ICA from Pt A to Pt B (your paid coaching)?

  • Are you stagnant with your list building, is your email list blah?

What is a Challenge?

Challenges are a short term free (or paid) offer where you take a group of your ideal clients through a series of daily lessons and tasks that will bring them to a small transformation that leaves them wanting more, your paying offer, coaching , course etc. You will also hear Challenges called, boot camps, masterclasses, either way they all have the same desired outcome. Building your business!

I don't want to give all my secrets away for free

That is totally fine, if you want to charge a fee you can, but when starting out I recommend not charging but again it is your business. If you want to charge you can entice them with a VIP experience which I go over inside OCS

What platforms do I need?

Any platform you can copy and paste with! Pictures, lead magnets are all templates done in Canva (my obsession) emails will be delivered in a PDF you can copy, paste and tweak to you brand and personality! An email automation platform such as flodesk mailchimp, etc. Completely up to you! 

Is this a one & done?

You can use any of the challenges over and over again!! I do recommend tweaking the curated information due to the fact you may have repeat audiences at times

I don't have clients yet and not sure where to find them will this work for me?

No problem now is the best time for you to get started! Challenges when done correctly are a fantastic way to build your audience! It is ideal to help get them engaged and get to know you, as well as you getting to know them! The more you know your ideal customer the easier it is to get them in!

Not real consistent with social media will this still work?

I got ya! It is tough when you are starting out or getting yourself rebooted! The Coaches Collection gives you easy to brand, copy-tweak & paste templates, to make your life easier! It will save you a ton of time, and a lot of money out sourcing. BUT consistency is key when building your biz

I don't have a lot of time between my kids & job is this doable for me?

This is perfect then! You can do an hour a day or a few on the weekend, set your dates (there is a calendar breakdown) to make your life easier! Perfect tool to help your transition from workin 9-5!

I'm not so techy can I still do this?

Abso-freaking-lutely! If I can do it so can you! I just made it so much easier, less time consuming, and off course a hell of a lot cheaper than hiring a team! That can come later on when your biz is so filled you have a waiting list!

How often should I run a challenge?

That is completely up to you, BUT I recommend 2-4 times per year at least, challenges build and keep your audience excited and engaged, the more they get to know, like & trust you the more willing they will be to sign up for your 1:1 or group coaching or course. As you fill up your coaching practice you may only want to adjust them to your coaching schedule, the idea is to have them lined up! The cool thing is you will have these forever to use! 

I an so not ready to run a challenge can I purchase now and use it later?

Absolutely! This is a program you can do at your own pace, at any time, in the nooks and crannies of your day! 

What is your cancellation policy?

Due to the nature of the instant access and downloadable content, there are no refunds BUT I stand by my products 100% just shoot me an email and we can work things out!

© Copyright 2023 The Coaches Collection