Clients with a Simple Strategy

How to Turn Your Content into Clients with a Simple Strategy

July 30, 20244 min read

How to Turn Your Content into Clients with a Simple Strategy

Coaches, if you struggling to attract and convert your ideal clients, keep on reading. Because you’re not alone. I've talked to tons of health coaches that were feeling the same.

They were finding it challenging to create content that was connecting with their audience and drive conversions. Despite your passion and hard work, your social media posts and emails, blogs might not be seeing the results you really were hoping for. Trust me I know this can be incredibly frustrating and downright deflating to your ego, making you question your abilities and your path.

It’s even more discouraging when you see other coaches in your niche thriving effortlessly. You might start doubting yourself, thinking you’re not cut out for this. The truth is, it’s not your lack of effort; it’s about having the right strategy.

A simple shift in how you approach creating your content can make a world of difference. Here's my go-to super easy and powerful technique that can help make your social media, emails and blogs so much easier to create it'll help you turn things around and start seeing real results.

Imagine if you could create content that immediately grabs attention, resonates with your audience, and compels them to take action to work with you, purchase your course or products.

That’s exactly what this method can do for you. By understanding your audience's true pain points, and addressing them directly, you can build a deeper connection and show that you genuinely understand their struggles. People don't care what you say, they care how you make them feel. Then, you offer a solution (your coaching) that speaks directly to their needs.

Engage Your Audience on Social Media

Facebook and Instagram are amazing platforms to engage with your audience. But how do you make your posts stand out in a sea of other coaches and their content?

Here’s how the simple strategy works,

Example 1: Weight Loss Coaching

  • Problem: "Are you struggling to shed those extra pounds despite trying every diet out there?"

  • Agitate: "It’s frustrating when you put in so much effort and see little to no results. It can make you feel like giving up."

  • Solution: "I get it! I've helped 100's of women break through and lose weight the easy way! If you are ready join my 5-day Clean Eating Challenge to kickstart your weight loss journey and finally see the results you deserve. Drop an emoji below for the VIP list"

Example 2: Stress Management Coaching

  • Problem: "Do you feel overwhelmed by stress and unable to relax?"

  • Agitate: "Constant stress can lead to serious health issues, affecting your sleep, mood, and overall well-being. It feels like a never ending battle"

  • Solution: "My clients get the exact steps to the ease of stress without having to spend hours meditating and journaling. If you are ready come on and discover my personalized stress management techniques that will help you find peace and balance. Let’s start your journey to a stress-free life!"

Example 3: Holistic Health Coaching

  • Problem: "Are you tired of feeling the 3pm slump and lacking energy every day?"

  • Agitate: "Low energy levels can make it hard to enjoy life and stay productive, impacting both your personal and professional life, and if nothing changes nothing changes."

  • Solution: "If you are ready for a simple change that will have you feeling like you are superwoman all day long! Come on in and learn how my students learn my secret holistic health method that will boost your energy naturally through diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Drop a "ready" in the comments andI will send you the link

Try using this method with your emails and blogs as well and see how your engagement grows. This PAS is a great way to actually come up with content in general, if you are feeling like you just can't come up with an idea for your social media, blogs or emails, try these simple steps

Problem - What is you ideal client struggling with

Agitation - Make them feel more than just the emotion the currently feel

Solution - How does your coaching, course or products help them

So that is my go-to method that will transform your content strategy and start seeing the results you deserve. By addressing your audience's problems, highlighting the emotional impact, and offering clear solutions, you can create compelling content that engages and converts. Start using this approach in your social media posts and email marketing today, and watch your health coaching business grow.

If you are ready to take your health coaching business to the next level - Check out my new Content Essentials Club for Health Coaches HERE

Certified Holistic Health Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner - Helping Coaches & Entrepreneurs Build Their Business without Starting From Scratch - 5 Day Challenges - Lead Magnets to List Building

Sarah Demille

Certified Holistic Health Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner - Helping Coaches & Entrepreneurs Build Their Business without Starting From Scratch - 5 Day Challenges - Lead Magnets to List Building

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